• Slick Carousel


    Here is a working version of slick carousel in wordpress and the styles and code that get it working. Also added are some custom previous and next buttons. CSS Javascript HTML Slick Carousel with custom next and previous buttons detached from the slider some stuff some stuff some stuff The Buttons The Buttons Previous Slide… Read more

  • How to add a New Page in WordPress

    How to add a New Page in WordPress
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    A Quick guide on how to add a new page in wordpress. Also to this page i will be adding an image and a title as an example. Read more

  • what wordpress permissions should i add to allow plugin and theme installation

    what wordpress permissions should i add to allow plugin and theme installation
    Categories: ,

    Are you getting the following error message in wordpress when trying to upload a new theme or plugin? This can be solved sometimes if your file permissions are already correct by adding the following: In your server go into the main wordpress directory and edit the wp-config.php file. Add the following code to wp-config.php: Read more